Saturday, August 8, 2015

HAIKU CHALLENGE for 9-12 year old Children's Aikido students

We are offering a HAIKU CHALLENGE for students in the 3rd Children's Aikido class (9-12 year olds).

We invite students to write a haiku (Japanese 3-line poem with 5,7,5 syllables) to submit during the last class on August 20th (Play day).  Every student who submits a haiku will receive a gift certificate for Kneads Bakery worth 2 cookies (one for you, one to share!).  

Haiku usually invoke natural images of the season:

Ah, summer grasses! All that remains Of the warriors dreams. 

- Basho 


short summer night-- a deer pokes his face through the fence

- Issa


Fall Season for Children's Aikido

Sign up now for fall classes in the Children's Aikido program!  Fall classes start Tuesday Sept. 8th.

Because the summer weapons classes have been so popular, we are considering offering the Kid's Weapons class in the fall on Wednesdays from 5 pm - 6 pm, for an additional $15/month.  To offer this class, we would need a minimum of 7 students enrolling.  Sign up sheet for the weapons class is on the same clipboard as sign-ups for the regular classes.

Children's Aikido classes

Last day of summer classes (Thurs. Aug. 20) will be a play day.  Children are welcome to bring a "Stuffie" (stuffed animal) to class to play games with.  

Students and their families are invited to come and watch the promotional exams that Thursday night 5 pm - 6:30 pm.  The exams will include the black belt exam for Harryson Miller.  

Last Kid's Weapons class is Friday August 14th.  There is no weapons class on Friday August 21st.  


Aikido students

Last day of summer classes:  Thursday August 20th
First day of fall classes:  Tuesday August 8th 

We will be closed August 25th & 27th, and September 1st & 3rd


Aikido students

August fees now due  - thank you!